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right minded adj.有正義感的;公正的。

right mindedness

I know from terrible warnings i have noted in myself that my reason will not long remain unimpaired , but i solemnly declare that i am at this time in the possession of my right mind - that my memory is exact and circumstantial - and that i write the truth as i shall answer for these my last recorded words , whether they be ever read by men or not , at the eternal judgment - seat 我從自己身上的可怕征兆看出,我的神智不久即將遭到破壞。但我莊嚴宣布我現在神智絕對清楚,記憶完全準確,我所寫下的全是事實,我可以在永恒的審判席位上為我所寫的最后記錄負責,無論是否有人會讀到它。

He works as a prison chaplain and expressed his touching feelings after reading the story by korean brother kim , who was also in prison . he said that the prison could become like an ashram if everyone had the right mind . maybe in the future , master s news magazines and her teachings could be known to more inmates in canadian prisons 這令我們想起在加拿大另一城市有位師兄,他目前在獄中擔任牧師,當他讀到韓國金師兄的故事后十分地感動,他說監獄可以就像一個道場一樣,如果每個人都有正確心態的話,也許在未來,師父的雜志和她的教理可以讓更多加拿大監獄的受刑人知道。

She motioned me to be still , and set down by me , and begun to whisper , and said we could all be joyful now , because all the symptoms was first - rate , and he d been sleeping like that for ever so long , and looking better and peacefuller all the time , and ten to one he d wake up in his right mind 她在我旁邊坐了下來,低聲說起話來。說如今大家都可以高高興興了,因為一切跡象都是第一等的。他睡得這么久,看起來病不斷往好處發展,病情也平靜,十有八九醒來時會神志正常。

The people went out to see what had happened ; and they came to jesus , and found the man from whom the demons had gone out , sitting down at the feet of jesus , clothed and in his right mind ; and they became frightened 路8 : 35眾人出來要看是甚麼事到了耶穌那里、看見鬼所離開的那人、坐在耶穌腳前、穿著衣服、心里明白過來、他們就害怕。

You all hearn me : he s crazy , s i ; everything shows it , s i . look at that - air grindstone , s i ; want to tell me t any cretur t s in his right mind s a goin to scrabble all them crazy things onto a grindstone , s i 一切的一切說明了這一點,我說。你看看那磨刀石吧,我說。有誰能告訴我:一個腦子清醒的人會在磨刀石上刻下這么多的瘋話。

They came to jesus and observed the man who had been demon - possessed sitting down , clothed and in his right mind , the very man who had had the “ legion “ ; and they became frightened 可5 : 15他們來到耶穌那里、看見那被鬼附著的人、就是從前被群鬼所附的、坐著、穿上衣服、心里明白過來他們就害怕。

Bessie is not sure whether she is in her right mind , or means anything by the words ; but she told miss reed and miss georgiana , and advised them to send for you 貝茜不敢肯定她的神志是否清醒,這些話有沒有意思。不過她告訴了里德小姐和喬治亞娜小姐,向她們建議把你去叫來。

[ kjv ] and they come to jesus , and see him that was possessed with the devil , and had the legion , sitting , and clothed , and in his right mind : and they were afraid 他們來到耶穌那里、看見那被鬼附著的人、就是從前被群鬼所附的、坐著、穿上衣服、心里明白過來他們就害怕。

And tom he turned his head a little , and muttered something or other , which showed he warn t in his right mind ; then she flung up her hands , and says 湯姆呢,他把頭微微地轉過來,口中喃喃有詞,這些表明了他如今已神志不清。她舉起了雙手說: “他活著呢,謝天謝地!

The unbelievable audacity of her grandmother insisting on a red mahogany piano when no one in his right mind would have sold her a piano of any kind 當沒有人會考慮賣給她祖母任何一架鋼琴時,老人卻堅持要一架紅木鋼琴,這需要常人難以想象的勇氣,這一點她能體會嗎?

And they come to jesus , and see him that was possessed with the devil , and had the legion , sitting , and clothed , and in his right mind : and they were afraid 他們來到耶穌那里、看見那被鬼附著的人、就是從前被群鬼所附的、坐著、穿上衣服、心里明白過來他們就害怕。

The unbelievable audacity of her grandmother insisting on a red mahogany piano when no one in his right mind would have sold her a piano of any kind 當沒有人會考慮賣給她祖母一架任何品牌、任何類型的鋼琴時,老人卻以令人難以置信的無畏和執拗堅持要一架紅木鋼琴。

Red : an ' perhaps if ' n ya weren ' t no devil , i wouldn ' t have a right mind t ' be cuttin ' out yer tongue where ya stand 雷德:如果你不是惡魔,我就不會控制不住自己想要拔出你的舌頭!

Would people in their right mind think of fastidiously redecorating their hotel room every time they checked in to one 腦筋清楚的人住進旅館時,難道會去布置旅館的房間嗎?

At first glance you wonder why anyone in their right mind would possibly want to leave a place like this 乍看下,你會懷疑任何腦筋正常的人是不會想要離開這種地方。

Who in their right mind was going to believe i was in contact with and speaking for ets 誰在他們的正確頭腦里要相信我與外星人接觸而且說話長達數年之久?

Reutersno one in his right mind would build london today where its founders did 路透社報道如果再建一次倫敦的話,心智健全的人會和前人在同樣的地方選址。

Reutersno one in his right mind would build london today where its founders did 路透社報道讓明智的人再建一次倫敦的話,他們會和前任在同樣的地方選址。

How could any western leader in his right mind risk initiating such a sequence of events 哪位心智正常的西方領導人會冒險挑起這樣一系列事件?